The tract campaign is not to boost memorial attendance but to keep the jws busy and give them an illusion of actually doing something worthwhile with their lives.
Julia Orwell
JoinedPosts by Julia Orwell
by steve2 inthe october kingdom ministry for the united states reported the 2014 memorial attendances for the us branch office that has subsequently been well discussed in a separate thread.
in that thread, a poster asserted that in some parts of europe the attendance had been higher than last year - but to date no source evidence has been provided.. so, have memorial attendances for other parts of the world been reported in any of the publications such as kingdom ministryyet?.
if so, could you direct me to the source(s).
What did you do with old WT/Awake magazines?
by naazira inwhen you were a witness, what did you do with your old watchtower (public/ study versions) and awake magazines?
i know for some throwing away a magazine is comparable to burning a quran.
i never threw them out!
Julia Orwell
I would gather them up periodically and chuck them in the paper recycling. When I left I burned them rather than put them in the recycling bin lest the paper sorters got harmed by that rubbish.
Is the Watchtower Intentionally Trying to Force People to Leave the Organization?
by kneehighmiah inthe leaks from the new november watchtower are alarming.
they will disturb even longtime jws who haven't surrendered all rational thought.
it's become so cult like its scary.
Julia Orwell
Interestingly, only about 2-3 years ago they had pics in the Watchtowers and dramas representing mothers crying over their children who had left jw. This is a real shift from when they used to say that it is understandable that parents would mourn a df. Many parents I knew still helped their df kids and talked to them in order to have a relationship with their grandkids. This will cause a lot of distress to these closet humans.
11-15 WT- Drinking before meetings
by Absalom into be holy, we must weigh the scriptures carefully and do what god asks of us.
consider aarons sons nadab and abihu, who were executed for offering unauthorized fire, perhaps while inebriated.
Julia Orwell
WTF! All those years I didn't drink before the meetings because of that stupid scripture and now JWs can!!! I guess it helps to be a little happy on the loosening juice before the meetings!
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
Julia Orwell
It would also depend on your local culture. I live in Australia's equivalent of LA and find most jws like to keep fit. They seem to have no more large people or even fewer than outside.
pros and cons of anti depessants?
by Crazyguy inobviously i'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good.
i would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife i wanted.
anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings.
Julia Orwell
Keep away from Efexor as it has a lot of side effects. I take Laxapro and it has no side effects. My mother took Zoloft for a few months and was ok, helped her get her brain chemistry back on track.
how to survive a three day assembly?
by purrpurr inhi i have to go to one of these soon.
i find it difficult enough to sit through a meeting knowing what i now know.
how to survive a whole three days???!!!
Julia Orwell
Say you aren't feeling well, have flu or something and stay home for as much of it as you can. Then sit out the back or the rooms for the people with infirmities and sleep. Fake that you're sick and feeling cold and achy and sleep it out.
I hate being so angry about shunning.
by quellycatface insince i kicked up a fight regarding shunning at my local supermarket, i am still angry.
because, only this morning i received a look of contempt from one of my ex-friends/sister.. i really feel like telling her what i think of her behaviour but i guess that would only enforce the "persecution complex"!!!!.
just venting.
Julia Orwell
It's a reflection of their character, not yours. Their pettiness says more about them than it does about you. They are small, pathetic people. You don't need them. They'll Gove themselves enough rope soon enough.
Suicide - How many do you know within the JWs
by Lady Lee inthw wts likes to play games with their statistics.
one interesting but truly tragic is the number of jwhovah's witnesses who commit suicie.. now i suspect that if a person commits suicide shortly before or after they are disfellowshipped then the elders would say that person wasn't a witness or that they had done something so terrible that they were too guilty to admit it and by their action of committing suicide they pretty much declared they were no longer a jw.. yup fancy talk to make sure any crap didn't fall on them.. so my question.. do you know of cases like this?
if so then can you answer a few more questions.. had this person been dfed or in real danger of being dfed or whatever the equivalent is if they were never baptized?.
Julia Orwell
An ms I'd known for years who had depression and a whacko jw wife hanged himself in his own home. A young man raised as a jw but who never got baptizedand got into drugs killed himself in his parents' bathroom. Another one, the jw brother of a I knew in another cong. He had schizophrenia I think. Two jw housemates of mine attempted it. However many we know of, it's far too many. Seems to happen more than among non jws.
just what am I supposed to believe now??
by purrpurr inwhile i'm glad i found this site, it has also crumbled to bits everything i've believed in my whole life.
i feel like the certainty, magic and wonder has gone out of my life.
this has left a huge hole in my soul.
Julia Orwell
PurrPurr, it is tempting when leaving the jw religion to instantly want to fill the void with another belief system or cause. Everything we did as jws was for the short term because Armageddon was "around the corner". So what I can advise you is this: give yourself time. Time is something jws don't have but you do. Don't rush off to believe in something or sweat it that you don't yet know what to believe. No one is going to tell you what to believe like when you were in jws. Whatever you end up believing should come after a lot of experience and personal reflection. Take whatever time you need. It will come to you.